Backend src README
Directory Structure
The above diagram doesn't mention all models. Attachments, in particular, have additional members
Data Model
Ooloi uses the following tree structure for its main musical elements
The entire structure is always a pure tree, which makes serialisation and deserialisation straightforward. Cross-references are implemented as ID references, not pointers. IDs are lazily assigned to objects as necessary.
Class-specific Operations
Each file also contains the most basic operations for the model, such as adding and deleting nested items, e.g. to addd a Layout to a Piece. However, the idea here is brevity and understandability.
More complex or abstract operations, such as formatting a MeasureView for display, are placed in the `ops` directory in order to keep model files succinct and understandable.
More complex or abstract operations, such as formatting a MeasureView for display, are placed in the `ops` directory in order to keep model files succinct and understandable.
Programming Paradigm
Ooloi uses a dynamic, functional programming approach to handle complex music notation requirements. At its core, it leverages Clojure's functional programming paradigms, enhanced with the Methodical library, to provide a powerful and flexible system for music notation and manipulation.
Key Concepts
Key Concepts
- Functional Programming: Ooloi uses Clojure, a functional programming language, to ensure immutability, ease of reasoning about code, and leveraging powerful data structures.
- Multimethods: Multimethods provide polymorphic dispatch based on types and other attributes, allowing different behaviors for different types.
- Methodical Library: Methodical extends Clojure's multimethods, providing advanced features such as next-method calls, auxiliary methods (:before, :after, :around), and more.
- Clojure Hierarchies: Hierarchies are used, rather than inheritance, for composability and multiple inheritance reminiscent of CLOS.
- Specter Library: Uses Specter for efficient and expressive updates of arbitrarily nested data structures
Constructors, Accessors and Mutators
Constructors are functions that create instances of records with default or specified values. They ensure consistency and encapsulate the creation logic for records. Each model in Ooloi has an associated constructor function.
For the `Pitch` model, the constructor function is create-pitch. To create a Pitch instance:
Constructors are functions that create instances of records with default or specified values. They ensure consistency and encapsulate the creation logic for records. Each model in Ooloi has an associated constructor function.
For the `Pitch` model, the constructor function is create-pitch. To create a Pitch instance:
Similar create-xxxxx functions are available for all API models.
Accessors and Mutators
Automatically defined accessors and mutators retrieve and modify attributes of defrecords. For attributes that contain vectors or ChangeSets, standardised accessors and mutators are also available to manipulate their elements. Just as for constructors, there's a consistent naming scheme for accessors and mutators:
Simple attributes have the following two methods defined. For an attribute named start-measure-number:
Vector attributes have the following methods defined. For an attribute named staff:
There are also so-called ChangeSets, used to implement things that start at one point and go on until they are changed.
Examples are key and time signatures and tempo changes, but also instrument changes for a musician. An attribute called
tempos using a ChangeSet has the following methods:
All accessors and mutators are exposed in the api namespace. There may of course be other operations specific
to each model, but most operations follow the above pattern. The documentation describes all such operations and their arguments
Accessors and Mutators
Automatically defined accessors and mutators retrieve and modify attributes of defrecords. For attributes that contain vectors or ChangeSets, standardised accessors and mutators are also available to manipulate their elements. Just as for constructors, there's a consistent naming scheme for accessors and mutators:
Simple attributes have the following two methods defined. For an attribute named start-measure-number:
- get-start-measure-number
- set-start-measure-number
Vector attributes have the following methods defined. For an attribute named staff:
- add-staff
- get-staff
- get-staves
- move-staff-down
- move-staff-up
- remove-staff
- set-staff
- set-staves
There are also so-called ChangeSets, used to implement things that start at one point and go on until they are changed.
Examples are key and time signatures and tempo changes, but also instrument changes for a musician. An attribute called
tempos using a ChangeSet has the following methods:
- get-tempo
- get-tempos
- remove-tempo
- set-tempo
- set-tempos
All accessors and mutators are exposed in the api namespace. There may of course be other operations specific
to each model, but most operations follow the above pattern. The documentation describes all such operations and their arguments
Core and API Polymorphism
The above conventions result in clear, succinct, and understandable backend code like the following:
Here, we are freely passing instances of Piece, Pitch, Instrument and other models around, as you do in the backend. We have direct access to all objects; they can be directly referenced and manipulated. The polymorphic dispatch will use the type of the first argument to dispatch to the right method. A method that adds something to something else will return a new version of the updated object, just as you would expect.
However, this also means that the above usage pattern operates only locally on the data. If you change something deep inside a piece, only that object will change. But in an immutable data structure such as Piece, updating a nested object requires replacing all its ancestors all the way up to the piece, or the piece won't see the change.
Moreover, the above code does not establish any transactions for its operations, so it's not inherently threadsafe.
Now, this is all intentional. This way of working is specifically designed for working with backend core code; it's fully expected that the developer writing such code will wrap piece-mutating code in a dosync with a ref on the piece. The ancestor chain up to the piece may be modified using any methodology the developer sees fit, mostly using Specter or things like update-in. Moreover, the Piece Manager offers assistance with reffing and updating pieces.
Thus we can regard code as the above to be an internal and direct form of data manipulation, designed to run exclusively in the Ooloi backend.
However, Ooloi is designed as a server/client architecture. This means that there is a frontend application that knows nothing of the internals of the backend and which doesn't have direct access to any of its data structures. The frontend and backend talk to each other using gRPC. We thus must have some other way of referring to the data structures of a piece which doesn't involve pointers.
Enter VPDs, Vector Path Descriptors. They are vectors describing the path to data relative to a piece. VPDs are essentially Specter navigators or the paths we see in get-in and update-in.
All API methods that dispatch on the type of their first argument - which is all of them except the constructors - can also take a VPD as their first argument. Thus:
However, this also means that the above usage pattern operates only locally on the data. If you change something deep inside a piece, only that object will change. But in an immutable data structure such as Piece, updating a nested object requires replacing all its ancestors all the way up to the piece, or the piece won't see the change.
Moreover, the above code does not establish any transactions for its operations, so it's not inherently threadsafe.
Now, this is all intentional. This way of working is specifically designed for working with backend core code; it's fully expected that the developer writing such code will wrap piece-mutating code in a dosync with a ref on the piece. The ancestor chain up to the piece may be modified using any methodology the developer sees fit, mostly using Specter or things like update-in. Moreover, the Piece Manager offers assistance with reffing and updating pieces.
Thus we can regard code as the above to be an internal and direct form of data manipulation, designed to run exclusively in the Ooloi backend.
However, Ooloi is designed as a server/client architecture. This means that there is a frontend application that knows nothing of the internals of the backend and which doesn't have direct access to any of its data structures. The frontend and backend talk to each other using gRPC. We thus must have some other way of referring to the data structures of a piece which doesn't involve pointers.
Enter VPDs, Vector Path Descriptors. They are vectors describing the path to data relative to a piece. VPDs are essentially Specter navigators or the paths we see in get-in and update-in.
All API methods that dispatch on the type of their first argument - which is all of them except the constructors - can also take a VPD as their first argument. Thus:
where measure is, say, the measure2 of the example above, and which would remove the third item of that measure ("star") can also be invoked:
The VPD replaces the direct object measure with a description of where that object is in piece, which also must be supplied in all VPD call signatures: the direct object is replaced by the VPD and a piece reference. The piece reference can be a direct piece object, a ref (for backend use), or as in the example above, a string Piece ID. If a string is given, the Piece Manager will be used to retrieve the piece.
Thus, this method of calling the backend API can be used by the frontend. There's nothing to prevent the backend from using this method, either: fact is, it's often the most practical way of working.
Also, which is important, when using VPDs as the first parameter the operation is wrapped in an STM transaction and Specter will be used to update the piece. Thus, consumers of the API in the backend have a choice between two different methods of data manipulation, and consumers of the API in the frontend have the same expressivity with the added bonus of automatic management of the underlying data structures, in a fully transactional, threadsafe way.
VPDs also have a more compact form. The above can also be written:
Thus, this method of calling the backend API can be used by the frontend. There's nothing to prevent the backend from using this method, either: fact is, it's often the most practical way of working.
Also, which is important, when using VPDs as the first parameter the operation is wrapped in an STM transaction and Specter will be used to update the piece. Thus, consumers of the API in the backend have a choice between two different methods of data manipulation, and consumers of the API in the frontend have the same expressivity with the added bonus of automatic management of the underlying data structures, in a fully transactional, threadsafe way.
VPDs also have a more compact form. The above can also be written:
The frontend window manager translates clicks on the screen to VPDs suitable for passing to the backend. The fact that the frontend always will pass a string piece reference with every call allows the backend to serve multiple pieces simultaneously; there is no backend "current piece".
This means that setting a slur from the first note to the last one in the example above from the frontend simply becomes:
This means that setting a slur from the first note to the last one in the example above from the frontend simply becomes:
There's additional magic going on in this particular case (using an :around Methodical method), but that complexity is all abstracted away for the API user.
The end result is a powerful, expressive API that is the same for the backend and the frontend. Moreover, the API is used throughout the entire application:; it's not just something tacked on for the frontend to use.
The end result is a powerful, expressive API that is the same for the backend and the frontend. Moreover, the API is used throughout the entire application:; it's not just something tacked on for the frontend to use.
Parallelism and Thread-Safety
Ooloi utilizes Clojure's Software Transactional Memory (STM) with refs to provide a powerful, thread-safe framework for accessing and mutating complex musical structures. This system forms the foundation of all data operations in Ooloi.
Key aspects:
The system provides:
Performance metrics (on a 2017 MacBook Pro 2,2 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7):
Key aspects:
- All piece data is stored in refs, allowing for ACID transactions.
- Updates to the piece are wrapped in dosync blocks, ensuring atomicity and consistency.
- Automatic retries are handled by the STM when conflicts occur in concurrent modifications.
The system provides:
- Functions for safely updating data within the transactional system.
- Functions to mark measures for later visual recomputation.
Performance metrics (on a 2017 MacBook Pro 2,2 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7):
- Transactional mode: 100,000+ updates per second (1000 updates in 10 ms).
Principles and Requirements
Overall Principles and Requirements:
- Maintain polymorphism across all models.
- Keep model-specific definitions close to their respective model files.
- Follow Clojure best practices and idiomatic patterns.
- Prioritize simplicity and avoid unnecessary complexity.
- Design for extensibility and ease of use.
- Maintain separation between musical and visual models.
- Use docstrings everywhere. The documentation tool (Codox) uses them. They are crucial in a collaborative environment.
- Use STM for managing concurrency, ensuring thread-safe operations and data integrity.
Coding Conventions
- Use Methodical (m/defmulti and m/defmethod) for defining and implementing multimethods.
- Using Specter is highly encouraged. There is a separate Specter guide to give you some tips.
- Define shared behaviors in models/core.clj.
- Implement model-specific behaviors in individual model files (e.g., dynamic.clj, slur.clj).
- Expose public functions through api.clj using import-vars.
FrankenScore is a modern, open-source music notation software designed to handle complex musical scores with ease. It is designed to be a flexible and powerful music notation software tool providing professional, extremely high-quality results. The core functionality includes inputting music notation, formatting scores and their parts, and printing them. Additional features can be added as plugins, allowing for a modular and customizable user experience.